Friday, September 17, 2010

Toddler Kitchen Accessories

So this one is a working project. I learned some lessons along the way and I am OPEN TO ANY TIPS YOU MIGHT HAVE:)

I am making what hopefully turns out to be an adorable little kitchen for my girl for Christmas and I happened to run across these little kitchen items at the DI all for $4! Sweet!
So I decided to keep the cute shopping cart silver because it already looks super cute. I'll add a gingham napkin that stis inside of it and then pile in the "grocery food".

I started with the Blue Ocean Breeze Krylon Spray Paint(ofcourse, my favorite) It went on very well.
Then I went on to paint the Moss Green and Lemon Yellow Krylon that DIDN'T go on so well. I don't know why there was such a difference but I think it mus thave been because of the different metals. I also made the mistake of not priming the metal.  I tried wiping off the horrible looking paint then I used a glaze trying to make up for my mistake... bad idea. It doesn't dry as fast, it has to dry for 24 hours... oops.
Then I hung them up, wish I would have thought of this when I started. Then I would not have had the problem of the paper sticking to the paint! SO I still have lots of work to do but at least you can see what I'm going for here. They WILL BE CUTE DANG IT!

Seriously though, this project with the kitchen is going to take some time, none the less, it will be super cute by Christmas! :)

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